I should note that if these were plants that I was going to actually grow pumpkins on I would have done things a little differently. I would have gave the phosphorous to the plants once they were in the ground rather than in the pots and I would have got these plants in the ground with hoop houses covering them about 4 or 5 days earlier.

The science says that RAW Phosphorous will produce a 15% larger roots system. I gave both plants the same amount of water and both where in the same environment. Looking at the pictures below I would say visually it looks like the 747 that was given the RAW Phosphorous on the left has a slightly bigger root system on it. More tests would be needed, but it looks like 15% could be possible. I wish I had taken the plants out of their pots about a week earlier when the roots weren't quite as developed. It would have made it a little easier to visually see the differences in the root mass.
It should be noted, that if you look at the pictures of the plant when I gave it the phosphorous I purposely gave the plant that was smaller than the one that didn't get phosphorous and it clearly caught up to the other plant.
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